Wake Up & Buy Gold
Survive & Prosper in the Coming Economic Turmoil
A book by Jim Mellon & Al Chalabi
Published 2005
Where to Get More Information
We were delighted to learn that we were recommended as a source for more information about buying gold coins and bars, on page 237 of this book.
We bought a copy, and are reading through it in our leisure time. So far, many of the points made in the book, about water, oil, war, and many other general subjects are ones which I, Lawrence Chard not only agree with, but closely match my own thoughts. I am looking forward to finishing reading the book, and will post a brief review of it here soon.
- Introduction - Protect Your Business and Investments
- The Time For Action is Now!
- It is Going to Happen - and Within This Decade
- The Widening Rich - Poor Divide
- Unsustainable Behaviour in the Global Economy
- The Impact on the West of China's Unrivalled Competitiveness
- Part One - Global Tensions
- Global Population Growth
- An Ageing Population in the Rich World
The world's population is ageing rapidly. This increases the proportion dependent on pensions, reduces the proportion of workers, increases the retirement age, increases health care costs.
- The Environmental Consequences of our "Footprint" on Earth
Global warming will cause rise in sea levels and redefine the world's coastlines. Changes in weather patterns will affect human life everywhere. Changes in food output may cause severe problems.
- Increasing Demand for Energy, Food, and Water
Alternative supplies of energy may prove insufficient. The world dependence on oil means its increasing price will cause economic uncertainty. If and when it runs out, can it be replaced?
Food is abundant, but in the wrong places. Famines and droughts will continue to occur and spread.
A critical shortage of fresh water is emerging. Desalination requires energy.
- The Growing Divide Between Rich and Poor
Mass migration - the yellow brick road and perils thereon.
Some historical notes about the growth of civilisations. Ancient Sumerian, Indic and Sinic civilisations have developed into their modern strands Sinic, Japanese, Hindu, Islamic, Orthodox, Western, and African.
The rise of Europe - The European Hegemony.
Migrations levels soar - today's world is mobile. A revolution in travel.
Mind the Gap. The widening gap between those who live in wealth and comfort, and those who subsist. Eighty percent of the world's population lives in a (poor) developing country, and this is forecast to grow. In the US, the wealthiest 1% of the population controls 33% of the national wealth, while the bottom 80% control 17%. The worlds' rich nations, encompassing 20% of the population account for 86% of personal consumption, while the poorest 20% account for just 1%.
Mismatch between rich - poor populations and other worrying facts.
Half the world's population live in the five most populated countries, out of over 200 countries, and 146 of which took part in Cancun world trade talks. The gap has worsened in the past fifty years, and it is dangerous for those who have so much to allow those without to struggle on so little. Half the world population lives on under $2 per day. The average US citizen spends $15 per day on goods imported from other nations alone.
Agricultural growth in poor countries is severely hampered by farming subsidies paid by Western governments to their farmers. (This also leads to cheap food, encouraging over-eating, leading to Western obesity and increased health care costs).
- Part Two - The Global Economy is Under Threat
- The General Outlook
- Economic Theories
- The Pension Burden
- Warren Buffet, The Sage of Omaha is Bearish! Take Heed
- Financial Instruments of Mass Destruction
- United States' Economic situation
- China the Global Player
- Japan - A Long Deflation and Decline
- Eurosclerosis - The Trouble with the Old World
- Part Three - Geopolitics
- US Foreign Policy
- Superpower Contenders
- Terrorism
- Rogue States and Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Part Four - Lessons From History
- Past Wars and Conflicts
- Moving on from War - Other Lessons from the Past
- Examples of Failed Nations and Empires - More Lessons from a Dismal History
- Part Five - Financial Survival Guide
- Preserving Your Wealth in the Coming Economic Turmoil
- Money - A Brief History
- The Essentials
- Diversification is Key to Financial Longevity
- Outstanding Liabilities
- More Sophisticated / Adventurous Investors
- Business Owners
- Don't Be a Victim
- Other Useful Information
- Part Six - Timeframe and Summary
- The Uncertain Future
- Summary
- Appendix A - Budgeting Template
- Appendix B - Being Prepared For a Worst Case Scenario
Recession & Banking Crisis Prediction Failures
Many economists, bankers, politicians, investment advisors, and other claim that it was impossible, difficult, or not their fault that they failed to foresee and predict the recent (2008 - 2010) global recession and banking crises. We consider these to be pathetic excuses for failure. Having read Wake Up, it seems that Mellon and Chalabi predicted both, we certainly expected almost everything that happened, having read their book. In fact, there are still bad things likely to come, such as a collapse of the U.S. dollar!
An Appeal to Reason
A Cool Look at Global Warming
By Nigel Lawson (Lord Lawson of Blaby)
Another book we strongly recommend reading.
Simple Investment Advice - Buy Low and Sell High
June 2006 Price Adjustment Creates Perfect Buying Opportunity

Front Cover of Wake Up
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