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Srebro I Zlato Sven Sambunjak of Croatia (, & Copyright
Srebro I Zlato Sven Sambunjak of Croatia ( did use our copyright images without our consent, but Sven informs us his site is educational and non-commercial, and now has our permission to use our images with a credit and link.

Srebro I Zlato Sven Sambunjak of Croatia (, & Copyright Theft
Srebro I Zlato Sven Sambunjak of Croatia ( are just one of the many coin & bullion dealers worldwide who use our copyright images without our permission.
On the Južnoafricki Krugerrand page of their website we noticed they have used our high quality copyright 1974 Krugerrand obverse photograph without our permission, together with a 1980 Quarter Krugerrand photograph which we recognise as having been sourced from one of our UK competitors.
Following an exchange of e-mails, we have now agreed that SVen can continue to use our images, and he has kindly given us a credit and link close to each photo.

About Us Page
We guess Sven will add an "About Us" page to his website, as we commented that we could not find one, although as the site is in Croatian, it is difficult for us to be completely certain.

Južnoafricki Krugerrand Page

Južnoafricki Krugerrand
(South African Krugerrand)
Zlatnik uzbudljive povijesti
Srebrna inacica ovog buliona ne postoji...
Prvi investicijski zlatnik na svijetu pojavio se prije više od cetiri desetljeca u Južnoafrickoj Republici.
Izvorna nakana njegovih kreatora bila je da se on upotrebljava kao valuta za razmjenu dobara i usluga u svakodnevnom životu, pa je zbog toga bio izraden od slitine zlata s primjesama, što je Krugerrand ucinilo cvršcim i otpornijim na habanje.
Buduci da Krugerrand na sebi nije imao ispisanu nominalnu vrijednost, on je u transakcijama vrijedio onoliko koliko je u odredenom trenutku bila tržišna cijena jedne unce zlata od koje je izraden.
Kupnja, otkup prodaja Krugerranda
No, Krugerrand je svoje zapaženo mjesto u svjetskoj trgovini zlatom izborio uz goleme teškoce, premda je u mnogocemu bio investicijski proizvod ispred svoga vremena.
Sankcije što ih je svijet nametnuo Južnoafrickoj Republici zbog apartheida, naime, Krugerrandu su onemogucile da se legalno širi, te da se njime slobodno trguje. Ipak, zbog njegova inovativnog koncepta, širenje mu nije moglo biti zaustavljeno, pa je tako do 1980. godine 90 posto svih transakcija zlatnim kovanicama na svih pet kontinenata bilo obavljano upravo Južnoafrickim Krugerrandom.
Krugerrandov uspjeh potaknuo je druge nacije da proizvedu svoje verzije investicijskih buliona, poput Kanadskoga zlatnoga javorovog lista, Australskog grumena i Americkoga zlatnog orla.
Prvi investicijski zlatnik na svijetu dobio je ime po južnoafrickome državniku Paulu Krugeru, politicaru koji je u cetiri uzastopna mandata bio predsjednik Južnoafricke Republike, a cije lice se pojavljuje na prednjoj strani kovanice. Krugerrand je u meduvremenu zašticen kao ime i znak, a prava njegova korištenja ima tvrtka Rand Refinery Limited iz Germistona, JAR.
Izdavatelj: South African Mint Company (Južnoafricka Republika)
Godina prvog izdanja: 1967.
Prednja strana: Paul Kruger, južnoafricki državnik
Stražnja strana: južnoafricka antilopa (Antidorcas marsupialis)
Raspoložive težine: 1/10, 1/4, 1/2 unce, 1 unca
Nominala 1 unce: nominala nije upisana na zlatnik
Sastav: 91,67 % cistog zlata
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Google Page Translation

World famous ZLATNICI MORE
Other investment golden coins
South African Krugerrand
(South African Krugerrand)
Gold exciting history
Silver version of this buliona not exist ...
The first investment gold in the world, appeared more than four decades in South Africa.
The original intention of its creators was that he used as currency to exchange goods and services in everyday life, and therefore has been made of gold alloy with additions, the Krugerrand seemed stronger and more resistant to abrasion.
Since the Krugerrand on it had printed face value, he is in a transaction worth as much as at one time was the market price of an ounce of gold from which it is made.
More ...
Purchase, purchase sale Krugerranda
However, the Krugerrand was his prominent place in world trade in gold, won by enormous difficulties, although in many ways was an investment product before its time.
The sanctions that were imposed on the world of South Africa because of apartheid, namely, Krugerrandu are legally prevented him from expanding, and that it be freely traded. However, due to its innovative concept, expanding it could not be stopped, so by 1980. The 90 percent of all transactions in gold coins on all five continents were carried out exactly Krugerrandom South Africa.
Krugerrandov success encouraged other nations to produce their own versions buliona investment, such as the Canadian gold maple leaf, Australian nuggets and the American golden eagle.
The first investment gold in the world named after Paul Kruger južnoafrickome statesman, a politician who has four consecutive terms served as president of South Africa, whose face appears on the front of the coin. Krugerrand, meanwhile, is protected as the name and character, and his law firm has the use of Rand Refinery Limited in Germiston, South Africa.
Issuer: South African Mint Company (South Africa)
Year First Published: 1967th
Front: Paul Kruger, South African statesman
Back side: springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis)
Available weights: 1 / 10, 1 / 4, 1 / 2 ounces, 1 ounce
1 ounce nominal: nominal is not listed on the gold
Composition: 91.67% pure gold
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Zlatnik 'Krugerrand' Page

Hrvatska Investicijska Numizmatika
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Zlatnik 'Krugerrand'
Premda nije striktno numizmaticki proizvod, južnoafricki Krugerand smatra se jednim od najrasprostra-njenijih zlatnika na svijetu. Prvo izdanje iskovano je 1967. godine, a proizvodi se od zlata iskopanog u bogatim nalazištima Južne Afrike. Informaciju o mogucnosti kupnje ili otkupa, odnosno, prodaje možete zatražiti ovdje...
Na prednjoj strani ovog zlatnika nalazi se lik Paula Krugerranda, predsjednika Južnoafricke Republike iz druge polovice 19. stoljeca. Kružno oko Krugerrandova lika nalazi se tekst s nazivom zemlje izdanja ispisan na dva jezika afrikaanskom i engleskom: SUID AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (Južna Afrika).
Stražnja strana zlatnika prikazuje južnoafricki nacionalni simbol antilopu "springbok". Iznad antilope ispisan je naziv zlatnika KRUGERRAND, lijevo i desno ispisana je godina izdanja razdijeljena motivom, a na dnu se nalazi tekst takoder ispisan na jezicima afrikaanskome i engleskome FYNGOUD - FINE GOLD (cisto zlato).
Na dnu je ispisana kolicina zlata u uncama (31,1035 grama) što ga zlatnik sadrži. "1 oz" znaci jedna unca, "1/2 oz" predstavlja polovinu unce (15,5517 grama), "1/4 oz" je jedna cetvrtina unce (7,7758 grama), a "1/10 oz" oznacava zlatnik od jedne desetine unce (3,1103 grama).
Krugerand od jedne unce ima promjer od 32,77 milimetara, debljinu 2,84 milimetara, teži 33,930 grama. Krugerand od pola unce ima promjer 27,02 milimetara, debljinu 2,215 milimetara, a teži 16,965 grama. Krugerrand od cetvrtine unce ima promjer 22,06 milimetara, debljinu 1,888 milimetara i težinu 8,482 grama. Krugerrand od jedne desetine unce ima promjer od 16,55 milimetara, debljinu od 1,35 milimetara, i težinu od 3,393 grama. (Promjer i debljina mogu neznatno odstupati od navedenih mjera. Navedene su maksimalne moguce mjere.)
Cijena zlatnika od jedne unce krece se u rasponu od 1000 do 1150 eura. Raspoloživost za kupnju ili ponudu za otkup možete poslati ovdje...
Doznajte više
Zlatni dukat Franjo Josip 1915 Zlatnik florin i franak Franjo Josip 1892 Madarski zlatnik Franjo Josip Engleski zlatnik 'Sovereign' Francuski zlatnik 'Marianne - pijetao' Švicarski zlatnik 'Vreneli - Helvetia' Belgijski zlatnik 'Leopold II' Južnoafricki zlatnik 'Krugerrand' Austrijski zlatnik 'Wiener Philharmoniker' Srebrnjak Kralj Petar iz 1938
Kliknite jedan od linkova i doznajte više o zlatnim i srebrnim kovanicama koje se nude na numizmatickom tržištu u Hrvatskoj.
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Google Page Translation

Attractions | investment | Purchase | Sale | Contact Back to
Gold 'Krugerrand'
Although not strictly numismatic products, South African Krugerand considered one of the najrasprostra-njenijih gold in the world. First edition minted in 1967. , and the products of gold excavated in the rich deposits of South Africa. Information about the possibility of purchase or redemption, or for sale you can ask here ...
On the front page of this gold is the figure Krugerranda Paul, president of South Africa from the second half of the 19 century. Circularly around Krugerrandova character is named the country text editions printed in two languages and English afrikaanskom: SUID AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA (South Africa).
The back side shows South African gold national symbol of antelope, "Springbok". Above the antelope is written in the name of gold KRUGERRAND, left and right is a printed publication year divided motif, and the bottom is the text is also printed in the languages and English afrikaanskome FYNGOUD - FINE GOLD (pure gold).
At the bottom is written in gold in uncama (31.1035 grams) of gold which it contains. "1 oz" means an ounce, 1 / 2 oz "is a half ounce (15.5517 grams), 1 / 4 oz" is the fourth ounces (7.7758 grams), and "1 / 10 oz" means gold than one tenth ounces (3.1103 grams).
Krugerand than one ounce has a diameter of 32.77 millimeters, 2.84 millimeters thick, weighs 33.930 grams. Krugerand half ounces has a diameter of 27.02 millimeters, 2.215 millimeters thick and weighs 16.965 grams. Krugerrand than a quarter ounce has a diameter of 22.06 millimeters, the thickness of 1.888 mm and weight 8.482 grams. Krugerrand than one-tenth ounce has a diameter of 16.55 millimeters, a thickness of 1.35 millimeters and a weight of 3.393 grams. (Diameter and thickness can vary slightly from the listed dimensions. These are the maximum extent possible.)
Price of one ounce gold coins ranged from 1000 to 1150 euros. Availability to buy or an offer to purchase you can send here ...
Learn more
Norah Jones Franz Josef 1915 Florin florin and franc 1892 Francis Joseph Hungarian florin Francis Joseph English gold coin 'Sovereign' French gold 'Marianne - Rooster' Swiss gold 'Vreneli - Helvetia' Belgian gold 'Leopold II' South African gold 'Krugerrand' Austrian gold 'Wiener Philharmoniker " Silver King Peter from 1938
Click one of the links and learn more about the gold and silver coins that are available on the numismatic market in Croatia.
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Our 1974 One Ounce Gold Krugerrand Obverse Photograph
Our 1974 One Ounce Gold Krugerrand Obverse Photograph


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