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Copyright Theft
Perhaps we should be flattered by the number of people including dealers who continually infringe our IP (Intellectual Property) rights by using our copyright images, but we do not find it amusing, and will take legal action against any copyright thieves.

Orologi - Argenti (
Orologi - Argenti ( of Brindisi are just one of the many coin dealers & jewellers worldwide who commit copyright theft by using our copyright images without our permission. This is dishonest.
Orologi - Argenti ( of Brindisi, Italy are using our 1968 British Gold Sovereign obverse photograph on their website to advertise a "Sterlina Oro".
Orologi - Argenti STERLINA ORO Page

Prezzo per Unità (pezzi): €190.00 €160.00 (incluso 20 % I.V.A.) Risparmi: €30.00
Chiedi un'informazione riguardo questo prodotto
Coniata per la prima volta nel 1817 ha rappresentato la potenza del Regno Inglese in tutto il mondo fino a diventare attualmente la moneta d'oro più conosciuta e richiesta. Nel corso degli anni non ha subito cambiamenti tecnici, mantenendo invariati il peso (7,988 gr.), il titolo (22 k.) ed il diametro (22m.). Esteticamente, tranne rarissime volte, la sterlina ha sempre presentato sul diritto il volto del Regnante e sul rovescio il celeberrimo "San Giorgio a cavallo che uccide il drago", opera del grande incisore italiano Benedetto Pistrucci che ne ha fatto una delle monete moderne più belle al mondo.
Disponibilità Il prodotto al momento non è disponibile. Di solito viene spedito in:
Recensioni Clienti: Nessuna recensione disponibile per questo prodotto. Autenticati per poter scrivere una recensione.
altre categorie
Gioielli morellato & Gioielli D&G

©2007-2008 Offerte e vendita Orologi e Argenti - Alanfe Gioiellieri srl - Brindisi P.IVA 01906060742

Banner Text
"La buona reputazione vale piu della riccezza ed il buon nome piu dell' oro e dell' argento."
Translation: "Good reputation is worth more than riches and most of the good name of gold and silver."
We do not know if this is supposed to suggest that Orologi - Argenti have a good reputation, but guess this is supposed to suggest that they are honest and trustworthy. In this regard, they have just shown themselves to be anything but.

Google Translation

Price per Unit (piece): € 190.00 € 160.00 (including 20%
Value added tax) You Save: € 30.00
Ask a question about this product
Coined for the first time in 1817 represented the power of the United English in the world to now become the most famous gold coin and request. Over the years, has not changed technicians, maintaining the weight (7.988 gr.), the Title (22 k) and diameter (22m.). Aesthetically, except very rarely, the pound has always been right on the face of the ruler and the reverse famous "St. George on horseback slaying the dragon" by the great Italian engraver Benedetto Pistrucci that made it one of the most beautiful modern coins world.
Availability This product is currently not available.
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Customer Reviews: No reviews available
this product. Log in to write a review.
other categories
Morellato Jewels & Jewels D & G

© 2007-2008 Silver and Watches deals and sales - Alanfe Jewelers Ltd - Brindisi P. IVA 01906060742

Domain Lookup

Guadalupi Federico Alanfe Gioielli srl
via F.Fornari 32
Brindisi, BR 72100
Administrative Contact:
Alanfe Gioielli srl, Guadalupi Federico info@dopstart@com
via F.Fornari 32
Brindisi, BR 72100
390831520142 Fax: 390831520142
Technical Contact:
Alanfe Gioielli srl, Guadalupi Federico
via F.Fornari 32
Brindisi, BR 72100
390831520142 Fax: 390831520142
Registration Service Provider:
Aruba S.p.A. - Servizio,
+39.0575862000 (fax)
Supporto tecnico - Technical support - Asistencia tecnica :
Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 08-Oct-2009.
Record expires on 13-Oct-2010.
Record created on 13-Oct-2006.
Registrar Domain Name Help Center:
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info@dopstart@com is associated with about 56 domains

What's Wrong?
Copyright Abuse is dishonest, except in a few rare cases where the copyright infringement is said to be innocent.
Where the copyright abuse is by a business, it is difficult to believe there is any business of any size which is not aware of copyright. When sites claim copyright then they can hardly claim to be innocent abusers.

Our Images
We have shown our own image so that you can compare, although we have long since upgraded this image on our own websites.

Our Opinion
We have a very low opinion of other dealers who steal our images, and use them to compete with us. It is dishonest. We could sue these people, possibly for thousands of dollars, but it costs time and money, and even though we would win and be awarded costs, we might not be able to recover the costs if the copyright thieves turned out to be impecunious or insolvent. That's why we have decided to give these crooks some free advertising our our website, something which we do not normally provide even for payment.
We would not recommend anybody to transact business with copyright thieves including Orologi - Argenti Gioielli of Brindisi. If they will steal our pictures, what would they do to your money or your gold?

Copyright Notice
Please see our "Copyright" page for further information.

Copyright Infringements Remedies
Our suggested draft remedies for copyright abusers dependent on category - competitors, bloggers, pseudo-expert & advice sites acting as eBay & Google portals, eBay & other auction site sellers.

Other Copyright Abuse

Other Copyright Abuse

Other Web Sites
All comments about copyright also cover content of all our other websites including, but not limited to:-

Orologi - Argenti ( Gold Coins Page
Orologi - Argenti ( Gold Coins Page

Our Images
Obverse of 1968 British Gold Sovereign
Obverse of 1968 British Gold Sovereign


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